1st Allambie Heights Scout Group is located at 84 Roosevelt Avenue, Allambie Heights and operates as part of Scouts NSW
We cater for Girls and Boys ages 5-18 via our four sections, Joeys, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers. Joining info
We focus on outdoor activities, such as traditional scouting skills, camping and bush craft, but also many others such as abseiling, overnight hiking, rafting, canoeing, canyoning, snow activities and rock climbing. Scouts also have the opportunity to become involved in performing arts, leadership development, community service, amateur radio operation, environmental projects, large-scale Australian events such as Cuborees, Jamborees and Ventures, international events, and service projects in developing countries.
1st Allambie has transitioned to the Scouts New Youth Program, which focuses more on youth led activities where scouts have more input on what they participate in and more leadership opportunities to organise and run them.
Do you want to get your kids away from the iPad and the playstation and outside doing fun activities – then check out how to join.